I’m not that much of a writer. There originates not much in me that has not already been written about a thousand times on the net. And that is okay. Instead I collect stories and images that are interesting to me. Because they resonate with ‘where I am, now’. And I like to share with the world out there what I see and ponder about 🙂
So you might notice this blog is all over the place, as am I. It is maybe different now from then, as am I. And who knows, maybe I will discover some purpose along the way.
By the way, ‘Mieterse boel’ is a dutch way of saying ‘the whole shebang’, although apparently I’m one of the few remaining peeps to say or remember that. Once in a diner, that I visited with my wife and daughter, after looking at all the options of a breakfast menu, I ordered the ‘hele mieterse boel’, meaning, the coffee, cheese, croissant, orange juice, bacon, eggs, a banana….well you know, the whole shebang!
The waiter nodded, and it was not until after I saw my wife and daughter with a red head from holding in their laughter that I suspected there was something funny going on. When the waiter was gone they yelled: “Mieterse boel??? Really!!??!? What does that even mean!?!” Well it’s perfectly normal and common Dutch expression, thank you very much!
Hence, ergo, thus, so it came to pass…
I would describe myself as a romantic. Soft-hearted, sometimes light-headed. I try to remember to ask myself if what I want to say is true, kind and neccessary. But sometimes I forget…
I’m also a nerd. I live in Emacs, I sometimes start a new Linux install on a partition or in a virtual machine.
I love my family without whom I would not be who I am now.
I also love going to our allotment garden to work and enjoy the sounds of the many birds, or the wind.
And then there’s the wonder of the path of life. The secrets to breath, suffering, love, purpose, spirit, letting go and all the things that cannot be named. I happily walk on.
Who will walk with me on this path?
Find me here: